Thursday, July 21, 2011

Captain America is my Revival Superhero

I called Captain America my Revival Superhero because, the comic has been revived a couple of times whenever its popularity waned. It's inevitable, his popularity waning, but Captain America has managed to still survive even after six decades, and now a movie about him is coming soon. He always manages to stage a successful comeback, making him The Revival Superhero.

I admit, I am so not familiar with Captain America, except for the fact that he was one of the four superhero coinbanks of my youngest brother when we were younger. I remember holding that coinbank on its tiny Hermes-like wings on its head. But as the movie's nearing, I became more and more curious of Captain America and what he's about.

As I tried to search the net for his story, I've learned that Captain America was created in the 1940s, in time of the World War II. I have to admit, at the mention of those words, I got lost in thoughts that it could be boring because it was old and so on. But it also got me wondering, it was created for some reason - to inspire all the soldiers who were out on battle. I imagined my great-grandfather, who was a soldier for the United States back in WWII, reading a copy of the comics in his free time. I never met him, he died about four decades before I was born. He died in battle, they say, leaving his young children growing up fatherless. Nevertheless, even though him reading the comics is just my imagination, Captain America now became a connection to the great-grandfather whose tomb I only get to visit once every year on All Souls' Day at the Philippine-American Cemetery at the Fort.

Had Captain America been real, I wonder now if he ever got married and have kids. Maybe he would have grandchildren too. Maybe his great-grandkids were my age. But he is a comicbook character, so he never ages. ☺

Back in 2007, the world of comics wept as he was said to have died. I thought to myself, that was a good ending for a superhero. My reason is that, superheroes are human too, only that they're equipped with superpowers and indestructible armors and high-tech gadgets. But he doesn't have superpowers, I've read. He was only a frail man who had been injected with that Super-Soldier Serum that turned him into Captain America. Lo, and behold, he's alive! According to one of my searches about Cap, the villainous Red Skull had his girlfriend Sharon Carter use a gun that got Cap phasing in and out of space and time, appearing at events in his lifetime and fighting battles. Oh my, now I'm obviously into his story.

Before I become a spoiler to the movie and the story, let me end this post with interesting Captain America-themed shirts from SM Department Store:

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