Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wheatgrass Chronicles Part 5

instead of Confessions, i changed it into Chronicles instead. i'm kinda getting tired of the Confessions for title. anyway, it's the same thing, same craziness only executed in different ways. and succeeding parts are surely going to be adventures in getting more  people to try wheatgrass (or coerce  or trick them if they won't) and me infusing as much wheatgrass into the food i'm gonna make in school. plus, i think i'm no longer a convert because i'm already a regular. hahaha! jeez, i just promoted myself up a rank.

out of boredom, i created these biscuits secretly infused with wheatgrass, topped with melted cheese. 

i guess it wasn't just boredom, there wasn't any bread left for breakfast. consider it part-experiment, part-initiative to feed the hungry.

when i was giving my mom some of these, i felt like laughing out loud because she made it very clear she doesn't wanna try wheatgrass.. booyah! tricked my mom! don't tell!

i guess there'd be more of these experiments coming this blog's way since i'd start culinary school this month.

now that i've said it, i wonder how much wheatgrass i could infuse to whatever we'd cook in class?

i'm not sure how this would work for you, because, like what i said, this is an experiment turned okay. i'd share the ingredients and how-to but, just like before, do it at your own risk. ;)

Wheatgrass-infused Biscuits topped with melted cheese
2 packets of wheatgrass (pure, with honey, or bio-soy from Easy Pha-Max)
a pinch of salt
1 egg
1 cup of flour
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup water
1/8 tsp yeast with 1/8 tsp sugar, dissolved in warm water
more flour for dusting

sift flour and wheatgrass in a bowl. add the egg and oil and slowly add in water (we're making a dough here, not batter, so be careful with the water). add the yeast water and knead. dust with flour until the dough doesn't stick to your fingers. let the dough rest for 10 minutes (they say the yeast makes the dough rise but i'm not really sure it happened). knead again and dust with flour. let it sit again for about 5 minutes before shaping it the way you want (i spread the dough all over the tray). heat the oven (i used the oven toaster [yes, i am that creative and experimental] and it resulted okay) for about 3 minutes before placing in the tray. bake the dough for about 5 minutes or until it is golden brown. i added cheese on top 2 minutes before the oven turned itself off, allowing the cheese to melt.

breaking news! as i was ending this post, i caught my youngest brother eating the biscuit at the table and i think he liked it. i guess my target victims have successfully been conquered today. that's two birds in one stone, or should i say two people in a tray of biscuits?

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